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The Carbon 60 Science

As your body ages, it loses its ability to fight the effects of free radicals. The result is more free radicals, which in turn causes more oxidative stress and more damage to cells.


Health experts agree that excessive free radicals and toxins are recognized as a significant contributor to the development of many health issues and are responsible for aging. Greska’s Carbon 60 protects against this damage, supporting healthy cell function.


Excessive free radicals are known to cause oxidative stress. Free radicals are molecules in your body, missing an electron. These electron-deficient molecules do not work properly and impair healthy bodily functions by stealing electrons from neighboring healthy cells. (Oxidative Stress)


Greska’s Carbon 60 provide electrons that stimulate an antioxidant response within your cells to stabilize damaging free radicals and neutralize toxins, halting the damaging chain reaction of oxidative stress.

Antioxidant Effects of Carbon 60

Perhaps the most touted beneficial property of Carbon 60 in biological systems is its ability to attenuate oxidative stress, especially at the level of the mitochondria, where the majority of “free radicals” ROS, aka Reactive Oxygen Species) are generated during the production of ATP.

The breakthrough with Greska’s Carbon 60

We are able to convert our own Carbon 60 powder with our EXCLUSIVE process that is totally contaminant-free. We have the ONLY Carbon 60 production process with NO solvent and NO carbon rod contaminants, resulting in 20-nanometer spheres, not the traditional 1200-nanometer clusters of solvent-extracted C60.

Numerous studies have connected oxidative stress due to free radicals to:

  • Alzheimer's

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Genetic Degenerative Diseases

  • Dementia

  • Cardiovascular Disease

  • Diabetes

Carbon 60 (C60)

a grid of molecules

The Significance of Pure Carbon 60


Pristine C60 molecules, similar to those found in nature, are used, the protective and rejuvenating effects in living organisms are remarkable. Research in biomolecular and nanotechnology emphasizes that the purity, size, shape, and surface charge of nano-sized molecules determine their biological effects. These factors are crucial due to the quantum effects of nano-sized molecules, influencing subcellular processes via electromagnetic fields before chemical reactions occur. Greska’s Carbon 60 achieves this natural purity through a completely solvent-free production method from start to finish.

Keywords: pure Carbon 60, C60 molecules, toxicity, biological effects, biomolecular processes, nanotechnology, quantum effects, Greska's Carbon 60, solvent-free production.

The Unique Properties of Carbon 60

“Carbon 60” (C60) is a naturally occurring, nano-sized molecular form of carbon. Found in deep space and the Earth’s environment, C60 forms spontaneously under conditions such as lightning strikes, volcanoes, meteors, and soot from burning candles. Along with hydrogen and oxygen, carbon is one of the three foundational “biogenic” elements essential to all living organisms.

C60’s unique molecular structure, a truncated icosahedron with a Golden Mean ratio, classifies it as a distinct allotrope of carbon. This structure endows C60 with extraordinary physical, chemical, electromagnetic, and quantum properties. These synergistic properties have been shown to exert profoundly regenerative and regulatory effects in biological systems.

Unlike many engineered nanoparticles, C60, being a form of elemental carbon, is non-toxic. Living organisms have evolved to utilize and biodegrade it with little to no toxicity. Consequently, pure C60 does not accumulate in tissues and organs like other engineered nanoparticles. Unfortunately, large-scale production methods over the past 30 years have introduced impurities, solvent residues, and defects into the final product.

Why Choose Greska’s Carbon 60? Greska’s Carbon 60 is produced through a completely solvent-free method, ensuring purity and effectiveness.


Antioxidant Effects of C60

Perhaps the most touted beneficial property of Carbon 60 in biological systems is its ability to attenuate oxidative stress, especially at the level of the mitochondria, where the majority of “free radicals” ROS, aka Reactive Oxygen Species) are generated during the production of ATP (The energy currency for the body)


The breakthrough with Greska’s Carbon-60 is that we are able to convert our own Carbon 60 powder that is totally contaminant-free. We have the ONLY Carbon 60 production process with NO solvent and NO carbon rod contaminants NO chrystals. (see:


Our process produces the Carbon 60 in a 20 nano-meter bio-compatible sphere of pure Carbon 60.  These very tiny Food Grade spheres of Carbon 60 are non-clustered, non-crystalline, and totally safe for you and your pet.


These small individual clean spheres of C60 are what make Greska’s Carbon-60 so effective.  Whereas other products and antioxidants are much larger and only capable of scavenging free radicals in interstitial spaces of organs and tissues, or at best, the liquid cytosol (the liquid within the cell). Our C60 molecules are small enough to pass thru cellular membranes to work at the mitochondrial level. This unique ability allows mitigation of damage from the ROS cascade right at their source… reducing an organism’s overall burden of oxidative stress and degenerative conditions.


More significantly, Carbon-60 is a more “intelligent” antioxidant than excessive amounts of vitamins C or E, in that C60 maintains a healthy “redox balance” thru “charge disproportionation” (aka “dismutation” thru the delocalized electrons in its lattice structure.  In this way, Carbon 60 performs better as an antioxidant due to its ability to optimize a cell’s “redox” reactions.

open 45-day bottle with dropper of to the side

Although purely theoretical at this time, a number of computational studies suggest C60’s antioxidant effect may be due to the molecule’s ability to act as a mild “mitochondrial uncoupler.” This theory proposes that C60 can acquire a positive charge by becoming protonated with Hydrogen (H+) ions, enabling it to translocate across the mitochondrial membrane, favorably affecting the transmembrane potential, reducing the leakage of electrons along the Electron Transport Chain (ETC), and ultimately minimizing the production of ROS. Alternatively, several in-vitro studies, as well as live mouse studies, have demonstrated the ability of a carboxylated derivative of C60 to act as a Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) mimetic, catalyzing the highly reactive Superoxide radical to the less toxic hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and/or molecular oxygen (O2). More recent studies have shown that C60 may be a mild cellular stressor (much like resveratrol, curcumin, and green tea polyphenols), exerting its beneficial effects by activating the Nrf2-Keap1 pathway.

Contaminants in Carbon Rod / Solvent-Extracted C60 (Not the Greska’s Process!)

a carbon looking explosion

C60 produced thru electric arc discharge or laser ablation of carbon rods and extracting the resulting fullerenes with toxic hydrocarbon solvents (i.e., benzene, hexane, toluene, carbon disulfide, etc.) is known to introduce impurities into the C60. These can consist of any number of various inorganic elements (iron, silica, potassium, sulfur, etc.) as well as residues from the solvents. These contaminants invariably change the defined, known characteristics of the C60 molecule in unpredictable ways. Elemental impurities can transform an otherwise stable, pure C60 molecule into a ferromagnetic (when contaminated with Iron), or a superconductor when contaminated with an alkali metal like Potassium.


Additionally, the solvent residues which are both chemically bonded to and physically trapped within the C60 molecules (and which can never be fully removed) change the shape and surface charge of the molecule causing it to aggregate into various crystalline forms. As well, the toxicity of any solvent residues on the C60 molecules in living systems is potentiated by the fact that they can reach further and deeper into cells and tissues using C60 as a carrier. Although Fullerenes can be produced thru a solvent-free, temperature-intensive process known as “sublimation”, the resulting mixture invariably contains some % of other fullerenes, such as C70, C84, etc. In order to achieve the 99.9% “purity” touted by various manufacturers, Toluene is used to separate the C60 from the other higher fullerenes. The resulting C60 is still highly crystallized, and still contains solvent residue, albeit less than C60 chemically extracted from soot.

C60 Electrons for Cellular Voltage

Life can be described as the “flow of electrons”, and living organisms depend on a constant supply of electrons to generate ATP, the body’s energy currency. A deficiency or stoppage in the flow of electrons ultimately results in cellular degeneration and death. Although living organisms have many sources for acquiring electrons, the toxicities and stresses of modern living create situations where we lose more electrons than we gain (see image Left and Below from Jerry Tennant MD’s work, Healing is Voltage, 2010). A deficiency of electrons results in low cellular voltage (similar to a low battery), a low pH, and a low Oxygen level within the cell, all of which creates an energetic crisis. Initially this is experienced as fatigue, chronic pain, and increased susceptibility to infections. Once enough cells have been compromised, degeneration and malfunctions of various organs and issues begin to manifest.

a mans hand holding a phone

Fortunately, there are many strategies nowadays to bring electrons back into the body and restore cellular voltage. C60 is a very rich source of electrons. With Carbon (graphite) being the most cathodic element on the Galvanic Table, C60 generates an abundance of electrons when in the presence of any anodic element, the most anodic being Magnesium (see Galvanic Table of Elements below). 


An abundance of electrons can then raise the pH of a cell, increasing its voltage, similar to the way a battery is charged. The higher the pH of a cell, the more oxygen it is able to absorb. With more oxygen present, the cell is then able to produce ATP thru oxidative phosphorylation, as opposed to the primitive and inefficient “default” pathway of “glycolysis” (i.e., fermentation) when oxygen is not present. Cells that have reverted to producing ATP thru glycolysis generate very little ATP and high amounts of Lactic Acid. This is akin to a poorly running car that uses a lot of gas, but has poor gas mileage and produces high amounts of exhaust in the process. This low ATP, low oxygen, high acid environment is polluting to the cell. Pain, fatigue, brain fog, fungal and other microbial infections are hallmarks of toxicity on a cellular level. When cellular voltage and pH is restored, oxygen becomes available, energy production improves, nutrients flow in and waste flows out, and the cell has the right conditions to begin healing itself. We have had many reports of such experiences from people (and their pets) using Greska’s C60.

The Quantum Effect of C60

A single C60 molecule is approximately 1 nanometer in size. Molecules in the nanoscale size range are exceptionally powerful in biological systems due to their ability to disperse widely throughout the body, more or less uninhibited, right down to the subcellular level. Their smallness of size also dramatically increases their surface-to-volume ratio, offering more reaction sites and thus, more reactivity. But perhaps the most unique characteristic of nano-size molecules is that pertaining to their “quantum” effect. Molecules on the nanoscale have what is known as “wave-particle duality”, which means they have both physical properties and vibrational properties. This is significant, as ALL molecular biology takes place on the nanoscale, with information traveling first as a wave form, or “vibrational frequency”, and secondly as a physiochemical reaction. This is also why the 3D shape and size of a nano molecule is critical.


Perhaps one of the most intriguing and compelling theories for C60’s beneficial effects in biological systems is the quantum effect of its vibrational frequency. As an Icosahedron and one of Nature’s 5 Platonic Solids incorporating the Golden Mean Ratio (aka “Phi)”, the electromagnetic frequency of C60’s vibration has a highly resonant and harmonizing effect on living systems. Such vibrations from solids incorporating the Golden Mean Ratio, particularly those with the 5-fold and 6-fold symmetry of pentagons and hexagons, impart an “ordering” effect on adjacent water molecules, and induce “coherence”. Of the 5 Platonic Solids, it is not entirely coincidental that the Icosahedron represents the earth element Water.


As living organisms are mostly water, and most cellular signaling occurs thru the medium of Water, this “coherence” allows the body’s physiological processes to unfold with the timing, order and precision needed for optimal DNA expression, repair, transcription, protein unfolding, cell division and apoptosis. In fact, nowadays, one criterion used to evaluate any solid nanomaterial being considered for biological implantation is its 3D structure and geometry. Not coincidentally, research in the field of bio-nanotechnology has shown that molecules incorporating the Golden Mean Ratio in their structure, such as C60, are exceptionally biocompatible within living systems.


The fact that the C60 molecule bears the same pentagonal and hexagonal structure as the body’s transporter protein known as “clathrin” is of particular interest to the pharmaceutical industry as well. With its shape and symmetry quite literally a “carbon copy” of this innate, self-assembling biomolecule, C60 is very attractive candidate for targeted drug delivery.

Co-Exposure with Fullerene May Strengthen Health Effects of Organic Industrial Chemicals
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Solvent Molecules in Crystalline C60
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Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1999

Trace Element Impurities in C60, C70 and Graphite Soot
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Determination of Sulfur as an Impurity in Commercial C60, Fullerene Soot and Sublimed C60 Polycrystals by INAA
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Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Trace Element Impurities in Graphite Soot, Gold Grade C60 and C70 and in Super Gold Grade C60
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Ferromagnetism in C60 Polymers: Pure Carbon or Contamination with Metallic Impurities?
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The Effects of Toluene on the Central Nervous System
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Manufactured in Littleton, Colorado USA

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